The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) approved changes at the February Commission meeting that will allow for-hire captain and crew to retain recreational bag limits of vermilion snapper, groupers and golden tilefish in state waters of the Atlantic (including all of Monroe County for grouper species and golden tilefish).
This change will make state regulations consistent with Atlantic federal regulations and will go into effect as soon as possible.
Similar changes to federal rules became effective Jan. 27. The federal rule was modified because it was not effectively limiting harvest of vermilion snapper and gag grouper as originally intended and it was causing confusion because captain and crew of for-hire vessels could keep recreational bag limits of some snapper and grouper species, but not others. Additional harvest of these species by captain and crew is expected to be negligible and not negatively impact fish stocks.
To learn more about this change, visit and click on “Commission Meetings.” To learn more about snapper and grouper recreational regulations, visit and click on “Saltwater Fishing,” “Recreational Regulations” and “Overview” under the “Reef Fish” header.